Our Coronavirus update
We are at the coal face of a pandemic which is affecting everyone around the world, with health systems under immense strain, the devasting impact Covid-19 is having on national economies is virtually unprecedented.
In these extraordinary times, both the Logistics & Recruitment sectors are playing vital roles for society.
Many of our clients have worked exceptionally hard to ensure the safe supply of equipment and the required level of workers during these desperate times, the Partners at Connect Corporate Finance take this opportunity to commend their efforts in ensuring the public have the necessary supplies to weather the Covid-19 storm.
Through our weekly discussions with fellow advisors and intermediaries, we continue to support and inform our clients about the wider transactional environment. There’s little doubt in the number of deals that have been side lined or terminated since the outbreak, with buyers understandably cautious about investing during a period of such uncertainty.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly, if you require more specific information on the global M&A market.